Recently, I was feeling like there was this big gaping hole in my life where something used to be. And that something was
The Starting Line at Warped Tour.
I honestly had these shoes and wore them, ALOT.
High school was a time when going to concerts was what me and my friends did. (That and driving around and going to Dunkin Donuts, of course.) The only thing that mattered in this world was being engulfed in a sweaty crowd filled with peers who were just as passionate as we were about our bands. And we would sing these oh-so-incredibly emo lyrics out and attempt to catch eye contact with the lead singer we were convinced if he knew us, would love us. We stood outside in lines in mid-December with no coats as we froze into an ice sculpture of kids huddling together with t-shirts and converses on.
Me in Rome
Rutgers Football GameThroughout college, I still went to concerts but it was never the same. Maybe because there was now more of an outlet to do all these things I never had. (Like study abroad in Italy or meet all these intelligent exciting people that
didn't live in my hometown and drink incessantly every weekend with them.) And besides, you could always just listen to the kid on your floor or your best friends down the street play music. There was less of an urgency to get that invigorating life changing feeling of being at a concert because in college, you get that feeling almost everyday.

Ok, enough with nostalgia. The whole point is once I moved back home last June and was unemployed for a while, that
stuck feeling happened again. That need for an outlet returned. So, as a solution, we went nuts on concert tickets once we got some income in. Thus, these past two months have been a concert
OVERLOAD. And now, five years detached from high school, I can confidently say: there is nothing like live music to jolt some life back into you.
Here's a quick peak of the concerts I went to in the past months and the ones that I am going to in March :)