April 22, 2010

Earth Day.

I love Earth Day. I remember planting trees every year in elementary school and sitting through assemblies and hearing speakers tell us the things we could do on April 22nd to save the earth. I always wondered, why only treat our earth well one day a year? Shouldn't everyday be Earth Day?

Too overwhelmed by saving the earth through planting a forest? Start with little things like turning off the water while you're brushing your teeth or riding your bike instead of wasting gas and energy with your car. Here is a list of more things you can do!

Also, sidenote: If you don't recycle, please kill yourself. I mean that in the nicest way possible.

If we keep neglecting the earth, pretty soon beautiful places and things like this wouldn't exist. Wouldn't that be terrible?

A little taste of my trip to Sicily last summer. :)

April 14, 2010

Ben Folds and Nick Hornby.

Can this be true? Yes, yes it is!

Ben Folds as in Brick, Kate singer, songwriter Ben Folds is collaborating with Nick Hornby as in High Fidelity, About a Boy novelist Nick Hornby. The album, tentatively entitled Picture Window is set to release in September. Hornby will be supplying the lyrics as Folds' puts them to music and adds his vocals. Three songs from the album "Picture Window", "Levi Johnston's Blues" and "Claire's 9th" have already leaked and are getting me all excited.

Listen to "Picture Window" here:

Being a fan of Ben Folds for years and an avid reader of everything Nick Hornby has ever written, I have to say, this makes perfect sense. They have a lot in common:
  • both use simple language and ideas to communicate serious issues.
  • both are self-deprecating.
  • both are extremely witty and emo at the same time.
  • both have been married more than once and obviously heartbroken more than 16 million times.
  • But most importantly, both are beyond talented.

"It seems to me now that the plain state of being human is dramatic enough for anyone; you don't need to be a heroin addict or a performance poet to experience extremity. You just have to love someone."
-Nick Hornby (How to Be Good)

"Next door, there's an old man who lived to his nineties and one day passed away in his sleep. And his wife, she stayed for a couple of days and passed away. I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong.
-Ben Folds

April 12, 2010

Hello April.

Every month, I construct a new playlist encompassing all my moods and emotions.

Here's a teeny tiny glimpse of my Hello April Playlist:

The Avett Brother's Kick Drum Heart

Cory Branan's Tall Green Grass

Frightened Rabbit's Keep Yourself Warm

Straylight Run's Existentialism on Prom Night

And for the wildcard...

Kid Cudi featuring Common and Kanye West- Make Her Say

April 2, 2010


I interrupt normal scheduling to bring you my new obsession: Rompers!

Designers are totally just giving it a cool name like 'romper' to avoid the real deal: these are JUMPERS for adults. I loved jumpers then and I love them now. I bought one from Urban Outfitters (see below) and it's so comfortable and airy, I want to wear it everyday. I just might.

They are beyond adorable in different patterns and styles. Check it: